Ihre Experten für Nachhaltigkeit, Transformation und Organisationsentwicklung

Bei OMEGA WORKS unterstützen wir Unternehmen dabei, nachhaltige und transformative Veränderungen umzusetzen. Unser Team aus erfahrenen Beratern bietet maßgeschneiderte Lösungen, die Ihre Organisation auf das nächste Level heben.

Unsere Dienstleistungen




Designed to Give

We are formally committed to supporting IBM of B-Corp’s “Designed to Give” initiative, effective immediately and extending indefinitely. As part of our dedication to fostering sustainable and impactful change, we are pleased to offer 15% of our consulting time pro bono to local charities and impact businesses.
This commitment is in alignment with our values and dedication to contributing to the betterment of our global community. By providing professional consulting services without charge, we aim to support and empower organizations that strive to create a positive social and environmental impact.
We are confident that this contribution of our time and expertise will help amplify the reach and
effectiveness of your efforts, enabling you to achieve even greater success in your mission. We look forward to witnessing the positive outcomes that will arise from this collaboration and are honored to be a part of this journey.

Please find the details of our commitment below:

Commitment: 15% of consulting time offered pro bono
Effective Date: Immediate
Duration: In perpetuity
Beneficiaries: Primarily local charities and impact businesses

Please contact us if you feel eligible under our Designed to Give scheme!


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OMEGA WORKS – Gemeinsam gestalten wir die Zukunft.